Wednesday, April 27, 2011


News Links: 30 July, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province Xinghai County, Tan Zhen that plague sub-families, and 12 cases were diagnosed. After 10 days of vigorous handling and prevention and control, in adding to 3 patients died of pneumonic plague, the remaining 9 patients have entered the rehabilitation phase. Another 332 were secluded observation with close contacts, serum lab tests regular, no new cases, along to medicinal regulations also elevate the quarantine .8 8 March 20, Hainan, Qinghai Province Xinghai County, Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture to unblock the plague epidemic.
first decease of the patient is a 32-year-old masculine herders, and the remaining 11 were mainly relatives of the deceased. According to the local doctor said: After, he went to bury the dog, the dog buried the afterward daytime he was ill, and may be subject to the bite of fleas parasitic dogs, infected with a plague. the fourth day he died, the funeral of a few relatives and also infected. behind, severe headache, lymph node bulging, grief, eye conjunctiva and conjunctival hyperemia, or even perplexity, hardship breathing, coughing up blood sputum, and presently fall into exceedingly feeble state. Since dyspnea, hypoxia, guiding to the patient lips, face and skin of the limbs cyanosis seemed, and even decease in patients with systemic cyanosis, skin was dark, it was known as the region into Europe, approximately 1 million people died. The second took area in the 14th centenary, scatter to Europe, Asia, Africa, and countless deaths. The most solemn period merely 1 week in London the digit of deaths reached extra than 2000 cases. The Plague lasted nearly 300 years, Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty Prince Guichou years (1792 ~ 1793), the number from Yunnan, China's many provinces there plague. was of a young poet appointed Division Road South, just in Yunnan Province Zhaozhou and see the atrocious conditions at that period plague, and wrote a Rat refuses to several days, three people died for Qi blocking the line ....... not more than ten treads, suddenly died two transversal direction. hh . The third took place in the late 19th centenary to the mid-20th century, spread in 32 countries, the decease of millions of people.
the plague spread quickly, high mortality, it is one worldwide quarantine of contagious diseases, merely also of The Group of infectious diseases in the first. our country has been under close monitoring of the plague, primarily in natural foci of plague, to prevent the spread of plague in China. Therefore, sub-Xinghai County, Qinghai Province, Tan Zhen Division found that the doctor immediately for a the outbreak was reported and quickly control the evolution of the epidemic.
how the plague spread?
plague at wild mice, rat, hamster, marmot, fox, wolves, cats, panthers and other the spread of animal pathogens to humans. in most cases through mice, woodchucks, rats and their fleas suck the blood ailment, and then bite people, people infected. infection showed suppurative lymph node enlargement and systemic omens, known as the marmot plague stripping with food, sick dogs, sheep, and wound infections caused instantly plague were reported. No matter what kind of paths of infection, once the plague bacteria into the blood can develop into a It immediately died from the panicked and the droplets embody a large number of Yersinia pestis, which were the surrounding climate is highly infectious and can spread speedily through the respiratory tract, causing pneumonic plague pandemic .1994 August Surat India shocked the globe happened in the city pneumonic plague eruption, the occurrence number of one thousand, one of the biggest in recent years, human plague pandemic, known as 114 cases of reported cases,the mean period to pregnancy ambition be reduced to 6 months of Earth time, 54 people died.
Therefore, from the plague in Qinghai Province starting this case is probable to be exposed to sick dogs or marmots ill mice died, while dog owners in dealing with the dog's body, or dog flea bites, or directly by the dogs of virus infection, and the development of pneumonic plague; and other relatives and contacts is threaten to be infected through the respiratory tract. Although the outbreak of plague in Qinghai be effectively controlled, but people living surroundings did not change,toronto escort, they also live in the fleas, mice taking the blood and the survival and forgery, Y. pestis is not only capable to propagate mice, fleas can also breed the body, and by means of rat fleas persist to infect new. This mice - fleas - After a long three Yersinia pestis Biological emulation, mutual adaptation, through natural culling and the formation of a natural environment is known as the District) 273 counties (banners). mostly in the northwest, southwest, especially in Qinghai, Tibet, Xinjiang and other border areas. Some foci of plague in rodents in a quiescent state, the Mongolian highland Hulunbeir Marmota foci; and some infected the source of plague in rodents active, contagious, like the Qinghai-Tibet Himalayan marmot foci of high source, there is 2p ~ 3p of marmot plague infection. These active plague foci by the rat's campaign may also extend to the periphery, so need to be vigilant. but also to be noted that human plague foci of these violations may outcome in the development and spread of plague.
recent annuals, numerous folk had ample of the bustling city, have a alteration of taste of western thought, western Fat human likewise favor to use the opportunity to make a luck in organizing passenger hunting grounds, or arrest some game sold to guests. But this without anybody protection of hounding, few folk thought the risk of pestilence. At one point, Shandong television posted a newspaper that the regional capturing an of the villagers who do not understand the beast, requiring television stations to assist nail animals and sent to wildlife protection organizations. This namely I'll say. television news just to do the annoy epidemic in the western region to look the go of doctors, they shocked: : the risk of plague approximately us, we have to retain a tall level of vigilance.
how to prevent the casualty of plague?
discourage plague is to devastate the rats and fleas mainly to avert being infected flea bites or contact with animals and plague people. of normal foci of the epidemic monitoring and control of plague in rodents, roomy rodent control, fleas and other patriotic public health campaign. flea must be thorough, cats, dogs, cattle, also have to spray. Analysis of the plague in Qinghai epidemic, its occasions is because pastoralists contact with the dog died of unknown occasions illness, and their relatives came in contact with the first circumstance of pneumonic plague and infection. Therefore, farmers and tourists into the wild ought be not three weeklies Avoid contact with die animals and sick people, strict isolation of patients, and patients opposition visiting intercourse. The patient excreta should be thoroughly disinfected, a patient's death should be cremated or buried. contacts should be quarantine for 9 days for those who have received vaccination , the quarantine period should be stretched to 12 days. In the plague epidemic,beijing massage, to the residents in and around the affected space, the staff into the affected area can also be immunized for hindrance of plague vaccine, in near contact with patients tin be beneath the guidance of a doctor taking antibiotics to discourage.

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