Thursday, April 28, 2011

[no involve vitamin AD

Many people are inquiring, can not replace milk with soy milk, drink soy milk is better than drinking milk. Then charges a tongue afresh, to speak almost soy milk diet substitute it.
Milk likened with milk, 5 big advantage:
1 with plant health ingredients, including soy isoflavones, soy saponin, soy polysaccharides, soybean oligosaccharides, and other polyphenolic substances. These will all help prevent numerous continuing diseases. There is no milk these components.
2 vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acid content is low, do not contain cholesterol.
3 contains dietary fiber. soymilk soluble fiber mainly okara in a great number of insoluble fiber. milk there is no dietary fiber.
4 low calorie, protein and fat ratio is 2:1,escorts toronto, while the milk is 1:1.
5 as a vegetable [tray], the risk of pollution respective to soybean animal [ ,],[not include vitamin AD, vitamin B2 and B6 three were significantly lower than namely of milk.
breast nectar was uneasy, soy breast, too, some people are perceptive to oligosaccharides and anti-nutritional factors can accessible guide to bloating and gas reaction. yet by the time the normal assimilation and absorption, this response was no premonitory health peril, may first control the quantity, gradually increasing, can be removed until after intestinal alteration.
ambitioning to activity the conveniences of soy milk,shenzhen escort, make up less, just a bowl of milk per day meantime care to three points:
1 memorize the daytime in the sun activities as at least half one hour, get enough vitamin D, calcium absorption and can aid subserve the character of lusty bones. < br> 2 eat an eggs,52 smoke for one thing alternatively Cui Wfor as a mountain, including egg yolk, access to which vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin B2, B6.
3 eat half a bean, or a tablespoon of sesame with half a jin of vegetables, calcium can be assured number.
fact, use soy milk instead of milk, as you can eat breakfast, to eat bread, sandwiches and the like.
prestigious western breakfast milk:
2 slices of whole wheat bread, they use a small measure of salad clothing,toronto asian escort, soy sauce or a svelte wrapping of spicy sauces, look, mow into a tender omelet, cucumber, 3, 2 lettuce leaves; do not favor eggs, can be spiced tofu slices or 1 glass light soy milk to the sandwich to dine; add a small tomato or an orange.
so you can enjoy the delicious milk and health effects, but also elementary to the nutritional quality of milk can be said that either earths United States. homemade soy milk can also add a kind of health matters, more able to adapt to every person's specific health absences. a heap of grain milk, soy milk, soy flour and other product quality varies greatly, can not be generalized.
different people, for of inconsistencies in physical to adapt to the [Tray] assorted. those who lack dietary fiber intake, constipation cozy, easy people Health and smallpox, people with high blood lipids, post-menopausal women, may be more appropriate for drinking milk. and those thin physique people who dyspepsia diarrhea abdominal distension easily, absence of vitamin A, dry eyes, might be obliging yogurt than milk.
from ecological point of view, chiefly vegetarian life, is more conducive to maintaining the ecological poise . in ensuring the nutritional equilibrium, based ashore the use of soy milk, soy milk and flesh options, after an environmental merit.
Reminder: Remember to give priority to purchasing domestic soybean,toronto escorts! northeast of quality soybean less fat, lofty protein, so the quality of milk is far better than U.S. imports of genetically modified beans. Shanxi black soybean Zeyi best, Inner Mongolia, Hebei is also nice.

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