Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1031 World frugal Halloween

* Indicates a holiday almanac holiday at
0101 * New Year's Day
0127 International Holocaust Remembrance Day
0202 World Wetlands Day
0207 International Day of Solidarity Day
0210 South Africa
0214 World Meteorological Day Valentine's Day
0221 International Mother Language Day
0301 seals at
0303 National Ear Care Day
0305 to learn from Lei Feng Day
0308 International Women's Day
0311 Madrid bombings, Spain (2004)
0312 Arbor Day annual of the necrosis
0314 Sun International Police Day
0315 International Consumer Rights Day
0317 Festival International Maritime Medicine China Country Day
0321 World Forest Day International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the world
0321 melodies at the World Sleep Day
0323 World Water Day World Meteorological Day
0324 World TB Day
0325 safety education at primary and secondary schools extensive
0330 Palestinian land at the National Patriotic
0400 Health and Sports Month (April) Tax Awareness Month (April)
0401 World Health Day,assured reach namely compliant apt harmony in society,toronto escorts, April Fool
0422 Earth Day
0423 World Book and Copyright Day
0424 Asia-Africa News Workers at
0501 * Labor Day
0504 China International Youth Day
0505 Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control World Red Cross Day at
0512 International Nurses Day International Nude Day
0515 International Day of Families
0517 World Telecommunication Day
0518 International Museum Day
0520 National Student Nutrition Day
0523 International Day
0531 World No Tobacco Day
0601 International Children's Day
0606 World Environment Day at the National Eye
0617 World Blood Donor Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
0623 International Olympic Day
0625 National Land Day
0626 International Anti-Drugs Day
0701 *** Party of China at the World Day of the Hong Kong Reunification Day
0702 officially opened the International Sports Press Day
0711 the Chinese People's War Day World Population Day at
0730 China Navigation Day
0801 African Women's Army
0808 Chinese Festival Chinese male (Daddy Day)
0815 formally announced the unconditional surrender of Japan at the National Putonghua
0900 Awareness Week (third week of September)
0903 Chinese People's Anti-Japanese War Victory Day
0908 International Literacy Day, International Federation of Journalists at
0910 Teacher's Day
0911 World Trade Center gangster aggressions in New York (2001)
0914 Earth Day Clean Up the World International Ozone Layer Protection Day
0916 September
0918. eighteen Incident Love Teeth Day
0920 International Day
0921 International Day of Peace
0922 World Car Free Day
0927 World Heart Day World Tourism Day
1001 * National Day, the World Music Day International Day as the Elderly
1001 International Music Day
1002 international peace and democratic emancipation struggle at the world
1004 Animal Day
1008 National Hypertension Day
1008 World Sight Day
1009 World Post Day on the anniversary of the UPU Revolution at
1010 World Mental Health Day World Health Day
1013 International Teacher's Day
1014 World Standards Day
1015 International Blind Day (White Cane Day)
1016 World Food Day
1017 World Eradication of Poverty
1022 World Traditional Medicine Day
1024 World Development United Nations Day Information Day
1031 World thrifty Halloween
1107 October Socialist Revolution Day
1109 Chinese correspondents at the national fire safety publicity and pedagogy at
1110 World Youth Day
1111 International Science and Peace Week (the week of the day belongs to) Singles
1112 Sun Yat-sen's birthday anniversary
1114 World Diabetes Day
1117 International Student Festival Student Festival
1121 World Day World Television Day salutations to the world
the disposal of servant violence at 1125 International
1129 International Day of International Solidarity with the Palestinian folk
1201 World AIDS Day
1205 World Day of Disabled Persons International Economic and Social Development Volunteer Day
1208 International Children's television World Football Day by
1209 International Anti-Corruption Day
1210 World Human Rights Day
1211 China's accession to WTO
1212 anniversary of the Xi'an Incident
1213 Nanjing Massacre (1937) Day! bear in mind tragic history!
1220 anniversary of Macao's return to worldwide basket ball
1221 at
1224 Christmas Eve
1225 anniversary of the birth of Mao Zedong
1226 Indian Ocean tsunami (2004)
1229 International Biodiversity
of the month at the first few days of the week. 5,6,7,8 1,2,3,4,shanghai escort, said the first few weeks to a few blacks at
0110 World Leprosy Day / / the last Sunday of January (the first Sunday of last month)
0520 Mother's Day
0530 International Disabled Day
0630 National Father's Day Labor Day
0911 International Day of Peace
0940 International Day of the Deaf World Children's Day
0950 World Maritime Day
1011 International Housing Day
1013 International Natural Disaster Reduction (Disaster Reduction)
1144 Thanksgiving
lunar festival
0101 * Spring
0115 Lantern Festival
0202 Rend Ma Zu Shengchen
0323 (the Heavenly Holy Birth)
0505 Dragon Boat Festival
0707 seventy-seven China Chinese Valentine's Day Halloween

0714 0815 Mid-Autumn Festival for the Elderly in China
1208 Chung Yeung Festival
1223 Laba Laba Festival
0100 * New Year's Eve

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