Wednesday, April 27, 2011

and with the urbanization process moves forward

China's National Climate Change Programme
Foreword Climate change is a major care to the international community as a global problem. Climate change is an environmental issue, but also development, but ultimately a development issue. meet the needs of their economic and social development. States Parties should take the lead on climate change and its adverse effects. countries on climate change issues given high priority, the establishment of a national coordinating body on Climate Change and in consensus with the requirements of national sustainable development strategy, adopted a series of related climate change policies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate changes made a assured contribution. as the fulfillment of , key areas of policy measures. China will follow the scientific development concept, to seriously implement the protecting the global climate continues to contribute.
Parties of their commitments under the Convention related to monetary resources and commitment to the effective implementation of technology transmit and will take full account of economic and social development and poverty eradication are the first developing country Parties and overriding precedence. China is prepared to develop the economy, and the international community and the countries to actively carry out effective and practical cooperation, efforts to appliance the program.
the first part of the current situation and climate change in China's efforts to residence climate change
the past century, many observations show that Earth's climate is suffering a major feature of global warming a significant change in trend of China's climate change consistent with the general trend of the world. To address climate change and promote sustainable development, the Chinese government through the implementation of the adjustment of economic structure to improve energy efficiency, development and utilization of hydropower and other renewable energy sources, strengthening ecological construction and the implementation of family planning policies and measures for mitigation of climate change has made a significant contribution.
one observation of the truths of climate change in China and trends
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Third Assessment Report noted that approximately 50 years of global warming mainly by the large number of human emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gas warming efficacy caused. In the environment of global warming, China nearly a century, the climate changed dramatically. climate change on China, including the main observational facts: First, the past century, China's average temperature rose by 0.5 ~ 0.8 ℃ , slightly higher than the average global warming over the same phase, almost 50 years of warming of special note. In terms of geographical distribution, the northwest, north and northeast significant warming, warming the area south of the Yangtze River is not significant; from seasonal distribution, The most significant warming in winter. From 1986 to 2005, China had 20 continuous lukewarm winters national. Second, the past century, average annual precipitation trends in China is not significant, but changes in regional precipitation fluctuations. China's annual average precipitation in the 20th century began to lessen after 50 years, with an average reduction of 2.9 mm each 10 years, but 1991 to 2000 increased slightly. In terms of geographical distribution, most parts of north, northwest and north-eastern region significantly reduced precipitation, every 10 years by 20 to 40 mm, which in North China the most apparent; South and Southwest regions of precipitation increased significantly, averaging 10 years and 20 to 60 mm. Third, the past 50 years, China's major extreme weather and climate events, the frequency and a marked change in intensity. North and Northeast regions becoming dry weight, the Yangtze River floods in south-east region and the increasing .1990 years, annual precipitation in most years higher than the year the country, the North appears dry southern flood type rain, drought and floods disasters occur. Fourth, the past 50 years, China's coastal sea class rose by an average rate of 2.5 mm, slightly higher than the global average. Five is rapidly shrinking mountain glaciers, and the trend is accelerating.
China's future climate change warming trend will further intensify. Chinese scientists predicted results show that: First, likened with 2000, 2020, China's annual average temperature will rise by 1.3 ~ 2.1 ℃, 2050 years will increase 2.3 ~ 3.3 ℃. the national temperature increase rate increase from south to north, northwest and northeast temperature rise significantly. predict that by 2030, temperatures could rise northwest 1.9 ~ 2.3 ℃, Southwest may rise 1.6 ~ 2.0 ℃, the Tibetan Plateau may rise 2.2 ~ 2.6 ℃. The second is the future China's average annual rainfall of 50 years will show an ascent trbring an end to ... 2020, the national annual average precipitation will increase by 2% to 3% by 2050 may increase 5% to 7%. of which the largest increase according the southeast coast. Third, the future 100 years of China's extreme weather and climate events increase the likelihood frequency of occurrence, will be economic and social development and people's lives greatly. Fourth, the range of arid areas in China may amplify the likelihood of increasing desertification. Fifth, China's coastal sea ​​level will continue to rise. Sixth, the Tibetan Plateau and the Tianshan glaciers will accelerate the recede of small glaciers will perish.
II Situation of Chinese greenhouse gas emissions
the 1994, China's greenhouse gas emissions of 40.6 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (later subtracting the net emissions of carbon sink capacity of 3.65 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent), of which carbon dioxide emissions was 30.7 million tons, 7.3 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of methane oxidation Asia nitrogen equivalent of 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide. According to Chinese experts preliminary estimate, China's greenhouse gas emissions in 2004, a total of about 6.1 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (afterward deducting the net emissions of carbon sink of about 5.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent), which carbon dioxide emissions of about 50.7 million tons, about 7.2 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent of methane, nitrous oxide is about 330 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. From 1994 to 2004, China's greenhouse gas emissions an average annual rate of about 4 %, carbon dioxide emissions of the greenhouse gas emissions in the proportion of 76% from 1994 to 2004 increased 83%.
historical emissions of greenhouse gases is very low, and has been below the world average per capita emissions level. According to the discoveries of the World Resources Institute, China in 1950 carbon dioxide emissions from fossil oil combustion for the 79 million tons, accounting for only the world's total emissions was 1.31%; 1950 to 2002, China's cumulative emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion accounts for the world of 9.33% over the same period, the cumulative carbon dioxide emissions per capita 61.7 tons, ranking first in the world 92. according to the International Energy Agency statistics, in 2004 China's per capita carbon dioxide from fossil fuel combustion emissions of 3.65 tonnes, equivalent to 87% of the world average, the economy OECD countries, 33%.
steady in economic and social development, the Chinese unit of gross servant product (GDP) of carbon dioxide emissions intensity of the overall downward trend. according to the International Energy Agency statistics units in 1990 GDP intensity of carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel combustion is 5.47kgCO2 / USD (2000 prices) in 2004 dropped to 2.76kgCO2 / U.S. dollars, down 49.5%, while the world average dropped only 12.6% for Economic Cooperation and Development countries fell was 16.1%.
Third, China's exertions to mitigate climate change and achievements
for a responsible amplifying nation, since 1992 the United Nations Conference above Environment and Development, the Chinese administration premier formulated the - 21st Century Population, Environment and Development White Paper vigor efficiency. from the 20th centenary, late 80s, the Chinese government pay more attention apt the transformation of economy growth and economic restructuring ambition dilute resource and energy expense, promote clean product, discourage and control industrial pollution, China's industrial plan for an important portion. through the implementation of a series of industrial policies apt accelerate the development of tertiary manufacture, accommodating the interior architecture of the secondary industry, the industrial architecture has changed significantly .1990 output value of China's three industries constitute 26.9:41.3:31.8,2005 annual 12.6:47.5: 39.9, decreasing the proportion of primary industry, tertiary industry has made significant progress, especially in telecommunications, tourism, finance and additional industries, though the proportion of secondary industry has additional, but the industry has changed significantly the interior structure, mechanical, Information technology and electronics industry is formative quickly amplify the proportion of lofty value-added products, such changes in industrial structure brought approximately greater energy efficiency .1991-2005 5.6% of China's mean anniversary growth rate of energy expense to advocate the National average annual economic growth rate of 10.2%, energy consumption bounce coefficient is approximately 0.55.
20 century, 80 years, the Chinese Government formulated the the saving in energy development in the strategic rank. by implementing the and labeling, to encourage energy conservation technology research, development,toronto escorts, demonstration and promotion, to introduce and absorb perfected energy conservation technology, the establishment and implementation of new energy-saving mechanism, strengthen the construction of key projects such as energy conservation policies and measures to mainly promote energy conservation work. China million per GDP energy consumption by the 2.68 tons of standard coal in 1990 dropped to 1.43 tons of standard coal in 2005 (with 2000 comparable prices), the average annual decrease of 4.1%; industrial sector energy consumption of energy-intensive products has also been significant decline: 2004 compared with 1990, more than 6000 kilowatts and coal consumption by the thermal power supply 427 grams of standard coal per kilowatt-hour down to 376 grams of standard coal, key undertakings, the comparative energy consumption per ton steel decreased by a 997 kg to 702 kg of standard coal of standard coal, medium and large corporations by the comprehensive energy consumption per ton of concrete 201 kg of standard coal dripped to 157 kilograms of standard coal. by the fetter means, 1991 to 2005, 15 years, through economic restructuring and improve energy efficiency, China has conservation and use less energy of about 8 million tons of coal. If, according to China's 1994 carbon dioxide emissions per ton of 2.277 tons of standard coal basis, representing a decrease of about 18 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions.
Second, the development of low carbon energy and renewable energy, improve energy structure. through national policy guidance and funding to strengthen the hydropower, nuclear, oil, natural gas and coal bed methane development and utilization of support in rural, remote areas and conditions for regional development and utilization of suitable biomass, solar energy , geothermal, wind and other new renewable energy, clean energy so that the proportion of improved quality. in China's primary energy consumption structure, the share of coal in 1990 decreased 76.2% to 68.9% in 2005,defend ourselves, while oil, natural gas , the share of hydropower in 1990 were 16.6%, 2.1% and 5.1%, rising to 21.0% in 2005, 2.9% and 7.2%.
the end of 2005, China's installed hydropower capacity had reached 117 million kilowatts, accounting for 23% of installed power generation capacity, annual generation capacity of 401 billion kwh, the total generating capacity of 16.2%; family biogas digesters has reached more than 1700 ten thousand, with an annual output of about 6.5 billion cubic meters of biogas, and built large more than 1,500 medium-sized biogas project, with an annual output of about 1.5 billion cubic meters of biogas; biomass power generation capacity of about 200 million kilowatts, of which about 1.7 million kilowatts of bagasse power generation, waste generating about 20 million kilowatts; the grain as raw matter, fuel ethanol annual production capacity of approximately 102 million tons; grid wind harvests have been built more than 60, with a total installed capacity of 126 million kilowatts, in a remote area about 20 million elements, with a total capacity of about 4 million kilowatts of wind power generator small, neutral action ; total capacity of photovoltaic power generation is about 7 million kilowatts, the main power supply for the residents in remote areas; in the total solar water heater collector area of ​​85 million square meters .2005 renewable energy use in China has reached 166 million tons standard coal (including large hydropower), accounting for 7.5% of total energy consumption of about 380 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emission reductions.
Third, vigorously carry out afforestation, strengthening ecological construction and protection. reform and beginning up, with China the implementation of key forestry ecological projects, afforestation has made large accomplishments, according to the Sixth National Forest Resource Inventory, China afforestation district of ​​054 million hectares preserved, 1.505 billion cubic meters volume, plantation area ranks first in the world. National Forest area of ​​174.91 million hectares, the forest scope from the early 20th century, 90 13.92% to 18.21% in 2005. In increase to planting trees outside, China has too actively protect normal forests, returning farmland to forest and grassland, grassland construction and management, Nature Reserve and other ecological construction and conservation policies, further enhancing the forest as a greenhouse gas sink capability. At the same period, China's urban greening has also been a quick development of Chinese cities in 2005 covering an area of ​​built-up areas approached 1.06 million green hectares of green scope rate of 33%, urban 7.9 square meters per capita public green space, this part of the green on the digestion of gaseous carbon dioxide have also played a decisive character. According to adept estimates, from 1980 to 2005, cumulative web digestion of the afforestation activities of about 3.06 billion tons of carbon dioxide , forest management preoccupied 1.62 billion tons additive net carbon dioxide emissions of 430 million tons of carbon dioxide to reduce deforestation.
Fourth, the implementation of household maneuvering, control population growth. Since the 20th century, 70 years, the Chinese government has always regarded family planning as a basic national policy, so that the impetus of rapid population growth below efficacious control. According to United Nations data, China's fertility rate is not only significantly lower than other developing countries, but also below the world average birth rate of China's population .2005 12.40p, natural growth rate of 5.89p, respectively, lower than 8.66 in 1990 and 8.50 per thousand points, into the ranks of the world's low birth rate countries. China in the case of an underdeveloped economy, with a shorter time to fulfill the population reproduction pattern from the high birth rate, low mortality and high growth to low birth rate, low necrosis rate and low growth, historical change that took decades or even some adult countries has completed a century before the road. through family planning, by 2005 China had over 300 million births population, according to statistics of the International Energy Agency estimates global per capita eruption levels, only the year 2005, reduce carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to about 13 million tons, which is to soothe the world population growth and control of greenhouse gas emissions make a significant contribution. < br> Fifth, strengthen the response to climate change-related decrees, regulations and the formulation of policies and measures. for new problems emerged in recent years, the Chinese government intended creating a technological development notion and establishing a harmonious society of great strategic considering, accelerate the construction of resource conservation and environment-friendly society, to further strengthen a series of related climate change policies and measures accepted by the State Council, .2004 released China's first duties, including the total amount of proposed target system, power grid system, price management, cost-sharing system, special fund system, taxation system and a series of exclusive policies and measures .2005 August, the State Council issued a recent converge on establishing a conservation-oriented society work, Development and Strengthening Environmental Protection Sixth, to further improve the pertinent systems and tradition mansion. The Chinese government set up a total of 17 ministries consisting of the national Climate Change Coordination institutions, in research, development and coordination of policies on climate change in many aspects of the work areas for the central government departments and local governments to address climate change issues to provide guidance. for the effective performance of the Chinese government, communications, leadership groups and offices, and further strengthen their leading on energy. To regulate and promote the clean development machinery projects in China in an orderly manner, in October 2005 by the Chinese government published the mended management reach ecosystem carbon cycle and its driving mechanism trends and impact of research some of the clean development mechanism project of worldwide cooperation for capacity-building.
eighth, increasing climate change schooling and publicity efforts. The Chinese government all spliced magnitude to the field of environment and climate change, education, advocacy and public awareness. In Action for Sustainable Development starting of the century, climate change publicity and education efforts, behaved various fashions of perception on climate change talks and speeches, held a number of chief and provincial decision-makers exercising course on Climate Change, held a ; and other large-scale seminar, opened to invest comprehensive information on climate change, the government website in English and Chinese, Challenge
level of awareness and analytical tools by the restrictions, the present world assessment of the impact of climate change there are still large uncertainties. The existing research shows that climate change is already produced a certain affect in China, resulting in the coastal rising sea levels, glacier area decreased the Northwest in spring phenology in advance and so on, but also the future of China will continue to natural ecosystems and economic and social systems have an important impact. At the same time, China is still a large population, low level of economic development, energy merge dominated by coal, relatively languid feedback to climate change in developing countries, with the urbanization and industrialization process is accelerating and the dwellers tin often cultivate the level with the Chinese face in addressing climate change challenges.
First, China's elementary citizen conditions narrated to climate change
(a) poor weather conditions, serious natural disasters.
relatively meager weather conditions in China. China mainly a continental monsoon climate, with North USA and Western Europe, the Chinese Seasonal changes in temperature in most parts of the same latitude scope than the relatively sharp, peppery summer and cold winter in numerous locations, the summer heat the country in general, more suitable to maintain the indoor temperature, the absence to consume more energy. irregular precipitation distribution in China, and more dispensed in the summer, and the irregular geographical distribution of annual rainfall from the southeast beach inland to the northwest descending. China's meteorological disasters, the width of the disaster field, numerous kinds of disaster, the disaster of the heaviness of all the affected population in the world is rare.
(b) of fragile ecological environment.
China is a fragile ecological environment in the country .2005 175 million hectares of national forest area, forest coverage rate is only 18.21% of Grassland .2005 area of ​​400 million hectares, mostly in alpine grassland and desert steppe, temperate grasslands in northern drought, environmental degradation and other effects, is facing degradation and desertification crisis of desertification in China .2005 area of ​​about 2.63 million square kilometers, has accounted for 27.4% of the entire land area. Chinese mainland over 18,000 km of coastline, near neighbors of the natural sea area of ​​about 4.73 million square kilometers, an area of ​​500 square meters with over 6500 islands are vulnerable to sea-level rise detrimental effects.
(c) coal-dominated energy structure.
China's first coal-dominated energy structure of China's primary energy .2005 production was 2.061 billion tons of criterion coal, of which the share of coal Up to 76.4%; 2005 basic energy consumption was 2.233 billion tons of standard coal, which coal share of 68.9%, 21.0% of oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power, wind energy, solar energy share of 10.1% In the same year in the global primary energy consumption, coal accounts for only 27.8%, 36.4% of oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power accounted for 35.8%. for a larger proportion of coal consumption, resulting in China's carbon dioxide emissions intensity of energy consumption is relatively high.
(d) a large population.
China is the world's most populous country .2005 by the end of the mainland population (not including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan) reached 1.31 billion, accounting for 20.4% of the total world population; China Town level is relatively low, around 7.5 million folk living in large rural areas, urban population accounts for 2005, the proportion of the total population is only 43.0%, lower than the world average; large population, China also faces huge employ pressure every year more than 10 million new urban labor coerce in need of employment, and with the urbanization process moves along, each year about now tens of millions of rural fatigue to cities and towns. As big population, China's per capita energy consumption is still at a relatively low level, in 2005 China's per capita commercial energy consumption was about 1.7 tons of standard coal, the world average of only 2 / 3, well below the average level of developed countries.
(e) low level of economic development.
China's current economic development level is still relatively low per capita GDP of about .2005 $ 1,714 (at current commute rates, the same beneath), the world's average is only about 1 / 4; China's economic development breach between the more Great, in 2005 GDP per capita in the eastward region of about $ 2,877, only $ 1,136 while the western region around the Asian region's per capita GDP was only 39.5%; China, the proceeds gap between urban and rural residents are relatively large, urban per capita in 2005 disposable earnings was $ 1,281, while the rural per capita net proceeds of only $ 397, the level of income of urban residents is only 31.0%; China's privation problem has not been resolved, the end of 2005, there are 23.65 million rural per capita annual net income under 683 yuan of the poor.
Second, the impact of climate change on China
(a) the impact on agriculture and animal husbandry.
of climate change on China's farming and animal husbandry have had some impact, mainly extravaganza of 80 years since the 20th century, China the spring phenology of 2 to 4 days earlier. future climate change on farming and animal husbandry of the main features: First, the instability of agricultural production increase, if you do not take adjustable measures, wheat, rice and corn crops are the three main production slits. Second, the layout and structure of agricultural production will be a change in cropping systems and harvest varieties will change. Third, the agricultural production conditions change, agriculture and investment demand will cost increase dramatically. Fourth, the latent trend of increasing desertification, grassland area decreased. climate warming, grassland increases the probability of drought occurs, the duration longer, further reducing soil fertility and primary productivity decreased. Five of climate warming on Livestock will also have some impact, some of the livestock may increase the incidence of disease.
(b) of forests and other ecosystems.
climate change is already affecting China's forests and other ecosystems had some clash, primarily in Northwest China as the past 50 years glacier area reduced at 21%, the highest thinning of permafrost in Tibet 4 to 5 meters. hereafter air change will have forests and other ecosystems have another degrees of impact: First, The distribution of forest types north. from south to north distribution of entire types of forests northward, moving up mountain forest perpendicular area spectrum, the chief tree category will move north and some infrequent tree species distribution may be narrowed. Second, the forest showed altering degrees of productivity and output increased. forest productivity in tropical and subtropical zones will increase at 1% to 2%,shanghai massage, 2% increase in warm-temperate, moderate increase of 5% to 6%, an increase of 10% of the boreal. Third, the forest blaze and the frequency and intensity of pests and diseases may increase. Fourth, accelerate the inland lakes and wetlands dwindling minority. dependent on glacier thaw water afford in the mountains, plateau lakes will finally alley. Fifth, glaciers and permafrost area will accelerate the ebb. to 2050, is expected to West Glacier area will be reduced by 27%, the spatial distribution pattern of permafrost will be changed greatly. Sixth, there was a substantial snow cover are promising to reduce, and inter-annual variability increased significantly. Seventh, species diversity will of menace may be mammoth panda, Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, the Tibetan antelope and bald fir have a greater impact.
(c) the impact on water resources.
climate change has already caused changes in the distribution of water resources, mainly in China for the past 40 years the Haihe River, Huaihe River, Yellow River, Songhua River, the Yangtze River, jewelry River and other rivers amounted runoff six mostly downward trbring an end to ... the north drought, floods and other extreme hydrological events south frequent. China's water resources to climate change The most vulnerable regions are the Haihe River, Luan River Basin, emulated by the Huaihe River, Yellow River, and the entire inland creek areas due to drought is quite fragile. future climate change will have a greater impact on water resources in China: one in the afterward 50 to 100 , the citizen average runoff in the north of Ningxia, Gansu and some other provinces (regions) may be significantly reduced, in the south of Hubei, Hunan and some other provinces may be significantly increased, recommending namely climate change will likely increase China's overrun and drought disasters probability. Second, the next 50 to 100 years, water shortages in northern China the location is not optimistic, especially in Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces (regions) of the per capita water resources may exacerbate the deficit of contradictions. Third, in the circumstance of sustainable development and utilization of water resources , the afterward 50 to 100 years in maximum provinces, water supply and claim poise, but in Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Ningxia and other provinces (regions) may further increase the water supply and claim.
(d) of the Coastal Zone impact.
climate change has on China coastal environment and ecosystems have a certain influence, mainly for the past 50 years China's coastal sea level mushroom is accelerating trend, and cause coastal erosion and seawater intrusion, the coral reef ecosystems degradation. future climate change will have the sea level and coastal ecosystems have a greater impact: First, China's coastal sea level will continue to rise. Second, hurricane and storm surge will increase the probability of natural disasters, resulting in coastal increasing degree of erosion and risks. Third, coastal wetlands, mangroves and coral reefs, ecosystems, typical of the extent of mar will also increase.
(e) the impact on other areas.
climate change may lead to frequency and intensity of heat waves increase in extreme high temperature events by the number of deaths reasoned and serious disease will increase. Climate change may increase the accident of disease accident and scatter, increased cardiovascular disease, malaria, dengue fever and heat stroke and other diseases of the amplitude and range of crimes opposition humanity health. At the same time, climate change, extreme weather and climate events associated with and caused by meteorological disasters has increased, the impact of media and colossal construction projects to increase, climate change may be natural and people tourism resources, tourism security in some regions such a significant impact. In addition, as global warming will exacerbate the air conditioning electricity consumption growth trends, and to assure greater oppression on electricity supply.
Third, China is facing the challenge of climate change
(a ) on China's current development model presents a significant dare.
natural resources are the root for national economic development, resource abundance and essay conditions largely determine a country's industrial structure and economic advantages. China large population found, low level of development, per capita absence of resources is compelling the development of the Chinese economy's long-term factors. the development of world history and trends suggest that per capita carbon dioxide emissions, advertisement energy consumption and economic development, were significantly linked. In the present technical level, to reach the development level of industrialized countries means that per capita energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions have to reach a higher level, the world is currently not existing high level of per capita GDP per capita energy consumption while maintaining very low sum of precedent. future, as China's economic development, energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions must also continue to grow, will enable China to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build fashionable faces, the challenges of sustainable development model.
(b) to China for coal Lord of the energy structure presented a huge challenge.
China is 1 of the few countries dominated by coal in 2005, universal basic energy consumption, coal accounts for merely 27.8%, when China up to ...

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