Thursday, May 5, 2011

the students have attempted each method apt the house we {absencapt to do

Inspired along a lecture
Here is one I heard to the Taiwan president's speech for entire to read. From his and his students,shanghai massage, saw the Chinese nation's spirit, for he numerous such educators, nurture the afterward generation of our air, will presently be competent to fulfill reunification of the motherland. because we are principled,beijing massage, a bottom line and aptitude!!
Taiwan, all of a headmaster vibration Chinese spokesmen (2)
a lot of people interested in the study, outrageous! interested in reading what? real goal should not be interested, but of duty, interest in the responsibility to find them, but you can not replace the responsibility of interest. more in the black The more asset done in the light, which is moral education. We read to the State. Students, do you think of your infancy by what? particularly rustic children, is how your father and mother educated you? they tell you: you have to study hard! you do not study hard and will not succeed, you must work hard to study hard, you have a future, reading is for your happiness, reading is for your future! reading all for you! you are in this grew up beneath the kind of education that pedagogy is the most wrong, this is the worst education! so children grow up to know, ah, reading is to me Yeah, with any irrelevant, for my future, in order to my future, for my hope, you see this country there hope? it has naught to do with the citizen! his breast drinking countries, with the state taxpayer money, get out of meat and blood culture is a selfish self- Lee's children, teacher exercise a group of selfish, you think: this country have a future? you read the directions are wrong, study not for themselves, and reading is for our country, the state requires genius, countries need to cadres, the founding pillars of the national need. Why amplify your country? country is owed to you? country you can eat dinner for naught it? vain dwelling and restaurants to enjoy here, and simply enjoy the teacher imparting wisdom to you? You With What? what you contribute to the country? what you contribute to society? What sacrifice? you all are not, you're just production shit machine merely. you eat every day, doing nobody, what is your contribution to the country? countries In looking forward to your contributions, look forward to your future, because one day you grow up, one day you will learn, you'll must do things for the country, so countries can provide in you so that you are liberated for the country. because the national education and moral education must be based on the premise, so today we should love our country. just that you are reading Normal, and you three or four years to foster the cross-century heiresses, your major responsibility than anybody else. If you do not have the concept of state, you are not patriotic, how do you ask your students to patriotism? So, today's teachers are the most important. This is what I ran for the customary students the cause for instilling patriotism! you patriotic, students naturally patriotic! If you do not love the country, every day, complaining, every day want to change professions every day like the sea, what hope is there that the next generation? study English of special note, always want a good school in the future to which the corporation after which the employer, Which chairman when the translator, and more scandal! more no personality, no more tolerance! (Applause.) I am here to accentuate in particular the concept of state.
I always give my students to tell a story: We have one day to travel, all of a sudden between the storm came. we no place to shelter from the rain, the children ran ahead to look in front of a thatched shed, everyone, ; wow, good fortune today, yo, just find a house the rain came. so cheerful! Suddenly, the house in the rain to fall, the students have tried each method to the house we need to do? (Applause.) I see is that we need the house.
house is our country, and then broke another wrong is our family, no stuff how needy repeatedly, which is not our family, we must adore her! (Applause.) how can you be the envy of aliens? , merely we are decided, we will gradually improve it, but we must sacrifice ourselves, the concept of a adore of country.
slit everyone in the country, eating countries, take the country, how could this country well? Everyone corruption, corrupt, this country will you? countries have a Canada! China has a hospitality. I go to eat their own, with their own, take your automobile to the motorcar money, you live your hostel hotels money, dine your meal to meal, definitely do not mallet state a dime. I just want to be a show you! (Applause.) What is patriotism, is something we must order the money to the state, is called patriotism, someone you forever work home to our state to take, What kind of patriotism? embezzle some countries, to take the national , also took great amuse, paid too overreaching, paid too shameless pence, how got? (Applause.)
somebody said: teacher, you make me love the country, I can love the country, however, the state where? I could not find! countries, too easy to find countries. Today, I Wang Zheer stop, the following is my country 1500, i must deserving diligence, should have school, affect,shanghai massage, you are my country, I love you, that is, I love my country, to spread my thoughts to you, is patriotic! (Applause.) And then you go afterward a stop in front of your students, it is your country. You can not consume his period, his life, you must keep the country train the next generation, you can give him that patriotism, you are a patriot, not to him, you are not patriotic, you are traitors! (Applause.) students, the future, you also have the opportunity to learn abroad, you have to note that Do not let yourself lose in the face of the Chinese people. Do not go do not come back, it lost the Chinese people's face it! foreigners will not think extremely of you. They will say: You see, these students have no concept of that country, These small won! how people will think highly of you? This is mortifying, very entangling object.
countries is very important to us, you see abroad do not know countries, a potential feeble country who is so miserable! so sad! So, today's Chinese people to self-improvement,beijing escort, self-love, we love our country to know. countries do not grow, then the money you personally have what's the use? longer standing what's the use? you not esteemed ah!
me today about what is patriotism, where is the patriotism, patriotism is everywhere! whichever action can be patriotic. We all kas long asthe battle between Israel and the Arabsalabo. The Arab-Israeli war play is exciting, the world is holding a beauty contest, that just elected to the Israeli team Miss signing it in the hereafter you can get rich, back more horrible! you are immediately rich and noted, to reside in the United States it! So I run. I want people to know: the earth of Israel in this country, so I have to stand for election. I was chosen today, and to complete my task, I have to differentiate the world: Israel is a great country, because I am the maximum beautiful female in the earth, but also to differentiate the world: Israel, the country is hard work, hope that the people of the world's compassion for us and assist us! advocate our country's independence! now my country is at war, what with the money? Israel two thousand years we have disappeared, because our culture does not dead, so we can state. Today, I want to go back to the motherland to fight for money why is it? - she's comments conveyed completed, the next day to fly back home. ( Applause) This newspaper was promulgated, the whole world with affection for Israel! wow, the Israelis actually terrific ah! Thus, the Israeli army, the military thrust, they like mad, the Arabsalabo armies melodrama wash! this is the greatest war in 7 days! seven achieve! This is because a girl's words!
So, students, and patriotism are constantly in a little area. made to make the country prosperous. ahead the read. teachers such a review to kas long asafter 2 decades of what China is to look three years later, students ambition understand what is the phenomenon in China. If he is nice moral persona, moral, nationalistic, two years later countries, there is wish. If you look this baby very patriotic, very respectful, very ethical, then three years later, Chinese folk are large Chinese human. alternatively see by him inactive, selfish, haughty, insolent, not criteria, Three years later, to kas long asChina is namely way. we want to avenge and reinforce the country, and strive to do better. Do not lose the ancestor's face, do not lose our face Han Tang Xianlie.
patriotism is very specific . My educate entry has a slogan: left educate a step, elbow faithful honor. by extension, to leave the door step, responsible as the citizen honor. a clot of phlegm spit in China is small, a clot of phlegm spit in a exotic country, you're lost in China 1.2 billion compatriots in the face, because you represent the 1.2 billion Chinese people, not you individually, you do not muse, Each student should disburse consideration to a word in one fell swoop. High teacher behind home, see the talk almost not nice to the eye to criticize, to suggest to criticize,non-traditional environment. For example, but I left the mainland behind to Taiwan, do not talk a word against the mainland. They queried : Continental okay? I said very, very good! too, great. to the United States said the Chinese people very, very great, would not face the Chinese people lost a sentence there is no criticism of China. However, back must be real to talk sincerely recommendations. Some people equitable the opposite, in the country he did not dare put a piece of shit, masquerade to be so agreeable, so lovely, a great place to depart the rude word in China, the Chinese swear was worthless, and this is also the standard traithardly evern of a bitch!

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