Thursday, May 5, 2011

Shaoxing opera originated in Shanghai

How long the nominal emperor? -> thirty years,
Wu Daozi of the following well-known artists of that epoch? -> Don,
Wang Mang official said the emperor ascended the sovereign in AD which year? -> 8,
weapons Zhou eminent a brain elevation of not more than one times? -> 3,
first spread of papermaking? (multiple choice) -> Korea, Vietnam,
China the shock of the 2002 World Cup was the first several shocks? -> 7,
prepared careful yarn of the first chronicle is _ Zuo,
blue moon cake is a celebration where? -> Xiamen,
Spring and Autumn Period Qiguo Gong pearly children living in Chu State, does the The movie is hh-> The oldest is the hh-> Su Quan,
ttt.ttttttt, tttt, tttt, ttttt. Cipai which the upper half of the sentence? -> Qing Yuan,
computer picture, what format will be moving pictures? -> GIF,
Weiweijiuzhao ancient Chinese history is a classical battle, may I ask who ought directive? -> Sun Bin,
only 2 thrones were buried in the tomb -> Xian,
the only way to fly nigh, bird -> hummingbird,
apparatus building to retain body poise is -> vestibular,
Venus is the Greek mythology (multiple choice) -> American spirit, love,
what Watt physical elements? -> power,
Wa man of cloth used to Baotou What color is it? -> black or red,
surgery were divided into middling and small categories according to the hardship of operation,Lesson 22 By center remember lines, hepatectomy is -> major surgery,
fashionable bowl bowl crater (multiple choice) -> Shanxi, Shaanxi,
Yangtze River Dam is the first -> Gezhouba,
Yangtze River Bridge is the first -> ; Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge,
Bandung Conference was held in which country? -> Indonesia,
Wang is a famous traitor, the final fate -> died in Japan,
the Austro-Prussian armies had outbreak of a European war in modern history an unprecedented General Assembly, which is -> appointment Saduo Wa battle,
Wang Guowei said three periods of the quoted three words are? (multiple choice) -> ; Shu, Liu Yong, Xin,
Wang Guowei to -> Kunming Lake,
Wang Luobin array flowers and young folk which areas? -> Qinghai,
Quanzhen's notable stunt Yes -> pierce delicate,
Internet talk, the trample is -> female,
network on the network is mainly used for ant -> download something,
Guatemala's economy pillars -> ; coffee,
sealed to prevent weathering and the need to retention the narcotic is -> Kuining Ding,
need to show, ballet toe shoes have a small chip of the plug -> lumber,
to prevent peel darkening, should eat fewer -> potatoes,
for health, avoid eating fruits and vegetables into the skin which of the following? -> persimmon,
order to freeze the water as soon as likely, you should multiplication - should be more than a few meters away from the television? -> 2 meters,
concerto is originally an instrument and an instrument of melody played competing with each other? (multiple choice) -> solo instruments, strings,
why Sports should not be drinking? -> depressed discipline capacity,
Which of the following material is of mini relevance to human higher? -> Zinc,
Why put water in the basin will stink a long time? -> for the water particles and combines the units of ventilation,
people died of heat stroke the body temperature of the critical line is -> 43.1 ℃,
the origin of corn in -> USA,
beans also known as - > strictosidine,
state-owned companies have a director, the manager who is appointed or removed -> Board of Directors,
the thickest wall of the heart which? -> left ventricle,
tea is the feature of the first -> ; medical,
Which of the following has a mighty antibacterial achieve of tea, prevent viral influenza -> dark tea,
smokers constantly beverage tea, then, tin curb the lung -> 对,
The following are black tea in tea is -> Black Tea,
belonging to the following green tea is -> Xinyangmaojian,
clouded dried tea is to spend, and then through the fermentation of -> right,
bubble tea the 1st time during the water namely too alcohol, the maximum profitable -> 对,
tea on the following types of patients benefit -> hypertension,
If bitten gums, tongue, or a slight stomatitis, _______ accessible mouthwash, a disinfectant .-> tea,
the world's first woman to mount Everest from the northern incline of players - > Pando,
do you know the origin of Longjing tea? -> Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
Taekwondo is started -> South Korea,
was the first United Nations seal () issue .- > In 1951,
1978 International Chess Championship was held in which country? -> Philippines,
extra reliable path than the masterpieces. representative of the creating is -> Notre Dame de Paris,
alpine grasslands of China, the geographical distribution? (multiple choice) -> Qinghai, Tibet,
the following dulcet instruments are wind instruments is to? - > Bau,
the world's first planet Association was founded in what nation? -> English,
Which of the following does not set the Nobel Prize? -> Mathematics,
Pipa On who? -> Wu Jingzi,
Changquan which of the following 8 methods are: (multiple choice) -> tactic eye method, agility, footwork, spirit, inhalation,
Chinese ballet rendition .-> Shanghai Dance School,
world's first book assortment, looked in what book? -> br> volunteers entry into battle officer who? -> Peng,
meters of the first female ever to enter 11 seconds which country's who? -> Democratic Republic of Germany M. Siegel,
coastal districts in northern China taint improvement is the correction of whichever soil-based -> saline-alkali taint,
the birth of modern day football is the daytime? -> 1863.10.26,
Einstein, which deserving to the invention methodology and won a Nobel Prize? -> Relativity,
communication Strait Indian Ocean and the Pacific, what is? -> Malacca Strait,
basket ball group entered the Olympic Games When did it start? -> fifth Olympic Games ,
year-round activities of the birds in the same region: -> dweller,
Yes -> Du Fu,
Which country artist? -> Belgium,
driving license is legal for: -> 2 years,
Yuan, Yu, Zhu (already mature) three conspiracy, one night far away from the countryside collective fish ponds, the soil homemade bombs into three, annihilating the fish,guangzhou massage, stunning, capturing more than 1,500 pounds of fresh fish, sold more than 1,300 yuan in money and three sharing. Yuan and the others operations are a -> crime of erasure of collective making,
The late leader Mao Zedong was born in which province? -> Hunan,
Guqin Music Princess cited,
of the famous novel No. What? -> Willow lay,
love afresh, > and , said in the Naxi language should be -> me that you love,
under The dynasty is? -> Kin Man,
first introduced in the Russian October Revolution in China, Marxist propaganda is: -> zhao,
not ,
China's third largest freshwater lake is: -> Lake,
chimed in opera is the earliest: -> Sichuan Opera,
peacock objectives are: -> to female emotion,
Catherine. Hepburn,
chance the leader of a long in the horn: -> behind,
Millennium Monument is a massive sundial shape of the arrow on it: -> South,
Shi Namaste hands lifted when the higher the higher the degree of respect it? -> 是,
black clothes and white clothing through the UV than through the: -> less,
which country invented MSG: -> Japan,
Jiang Taigong fishing in today: -> Nanpi,
84 is the main component of disinfectant: -> sodium hypochlorite,
Bluetooth is a radio technology in its transmission range: -> 10 meters,
Nobel Prize award is not numbers, known as the Nobel Prize in numbers are: -> Fields Medal,
four magnificent inventions of ancient China first appeared in are: - > papermaking,
the present constitution of the current Constitution of China's first Several? -> 4,
triumph the World Cup the first world countries? -> Uruguay,
number to win the World Cup Most of the countries? -> Brazil,
has double held the World Cup countries? -> Mexico,
18 circles in which country the World Cup will be held? -> German,
Three Gorges Dam reservoir, the water class will reach? -> 135 meters,
known as the king of fruits is that? -> Apple,
known as the king of instruments is that? -> Violin,
after the instrument is called? -> Piano,
known as the thousand lakes is that? -> Norway,
tea contains a substance which can be reanimating? - > theophylline,
tea,shenzhen massage, the origin of the word first seemed in our paperback -> Shen Nong's Herbal,
rhino visual sensitivity, sense of smell slow right: -> right,
Petersburg Tchaikovsky is School of Music, the first graduates? -> 是,
pay consideration to rhythmic singing opera, the strong hammer is equivalent to embark, production the equivalent of the feeble eye, right; -> right,
half-mast mast, which a courtesy from: -> UK,
Xiangshan Road following the poet arrange Which? -> Bai,
maternity leave at least how many days? -> 90,
The following is a graceful poet represented is: (multiple choice) -> Liu Yong, Li Qingzhao,
Great Wall more than 10 meters the highest point you -> over,
the following is not a gossip -> cloud,
There are several modern Chinese dialect? -> 7,
long encouraged by the national folk dancing which? -> Li,
According to romance, the Yellow Emperor sons -> 25,
the Yangtze River birthplace: Amdo County of Nagqu Dandong snow Glasgow, is the Kunlun Mountains do -> no,
who is said by the High Mountain and Flowing melodies? -> Ya,
giraffe is not only slumber standing up: -> ; not,
up comic adult in the Late Qing Dynasty: -> 是,
long-distance running and badminton, which is more cardio -> long-distance running,
Toona sinensis leaves and rotten teeth you have: - > not,
reunification, Chinese banks had issued HK do: -> issue too,
fragrant sweat found: -> diabetes,
Revolution occurred in what year: -> ; 1911,
founding of New China, China has promulgated several constitutions: -> 4,
fourth son of the Warring States Period: (multiple choice) -> Xinling Jun Wei Wuji, Mengchang Tian, ​​Chun Shen Jun Huang Xie, Pingyuan Zhaosheng,
Stars and Stripes is the flag of which country: -> United States,
evil nature of humans is phoning the fancy of ​​the ancient sages? -> Zi,
Wuhu is : (multiple choice) -> Huns, Qiang, Di,, Jie,
adjust very large number of galaxy collisions, the last results will not lead to less and less galaxies: -> not, br> elected works of Lu Xun: (multiple choice) -> Past, tempest, The True Story of Ah Q, blessing,
Yangzhou, as a city, at the most, including several provinces in east China: -> 5,
Alligator is the extinction of the dinosaurs of the Mesozoic close it? -> 是,
arrogant in Yelang that now: -> Guizhou,
Sangong a country while the country is war, which country: -> Jin,
issued in accordance with constitutional law who: -> President,
provocative wife, known to philosophers; -> Socrates,
Which of the following is not a literary One of the three CAO? -> Cao Shuang,
blood contains a biochemical substance that can amend human memory: -> acetylcholine,
in sheep's tail fat you: -> 是,
arrogant, who do Yelang original metaphor is: -> not,
a glass filled with water, water with a piece of ice, full cup of water at this time, when the ice, to see after the location will not overflow: - > not,
Can hospitals and other public service units to cater security for the borrower? -> can not,
blood alms in consensus with law, China has accepted is: -> owing blood donation system,
face: What kind of studied the drama genre? -> Sichuan Opera,
like the map of Italy -> boots,
Ginkgo usually known as: -> ginkgo,
Ying Ning who is described by the characters: -> Pu,
metal smelting with coke for fuel began: -> Ming,
parameters still remain upright world, according to ancient loyalty that not left is: -> Wen Tianxiang,
have not long leaves of the tree do: -> there,
lairing fish will do: -> be,
boundary with China are: -> Pakistan,
universe is approximately 150 million years antecedent objects to fashion a big outbreak occurred in the -> 对,
English belongs to which language family: -> Germanic language home,
Yingying of water, the tenderness is not words to describe what is correct? -> ; Legend of Love,
accustom to describe Zhao Meng and his wife Pipeline Co rose a pair very good relationship idiom is: -> Juanqimei,
wire outlet and power outlet at least away from: -> 50CM,
and Au word word is the same number of strokes which an? -> Bird,
universe is one of the expansive space and the existence of various objects and the diffuse stuff, collectively, this definition accurately do: -> exact,
badminton serve, the ball can not exceed: -> waist,
appropriate for growing corn and soybeans with you: -> 是,
Shaoxing opera originated in Shanghai, opera originated in Zhejiang right: -> no,
first news in what country before the advent of the first people who read newspaper paper in the poster? -> German,
at the mall shopping is not a tariff doing; -> 是,
you can only be shot to necrosis in China: -> not,
tearing the walls to embezzle light on the fable of Who? -> Kuangheng,
posts in the house do not purchase the drawing to the local magisterial officials of the artist is: -> Qi,
brass loudspeaker are you: -> is,
Yueyang Tower is located -> Hunan,
Saying in Cambridge is: -> Cambridge,
tree planted in grape violet, make grape yield, condensed flavor sweet right: -> 对,
in a shopping mall to shopping malls to VAT invoices can: -> can not,
in Opera stage, some holding a lash line and not the role of dance is a symbol: -> nag and the line,
early knowledge Tan, middle-aged voice changes, integration of older students, and to preoccupy the Jingyuntaigu and stringed folk's Singing Peking Opera performing artists are: -> Introduction Ju Peng,
aperture above the character of shading devices: -> accommodate brightness,
patronizing the front to enjoy the attention and dispose of weakened injured workers do -> Enjoy,
Only petticoat mosquitoes bite right: -> 对,
only Germany Mark you use: -> not,
China's first film is opera: -> Ding Junshan,
China What creek is the world's maximum river: -> yaru Zangbo River,
ancient Chinese literati poetry most is: -> Qianlong,
Chinese students abroad for short-term exercising certificate China: -> does not acknowledge,
China tourism logo: -> Copper Horse,
Vega higher temperature than the Altair, right? -> 对,
merely a unattached gene will be alike twins the same: -> 对,
If the shock Jiao Long ; is: -> Zhongjing,
ancient Silk Road, through the Pamirs do; -> later,
eunuch in Chinese history government intervention in the country, starting -> Eastern Han Dynasty,
the world's largest The landlocked country is: -> Kazakhstan,
the world's largest gold producing countries are: -> South Africa,
six ancient capitals in China: Beijing, Xian, Nanjing, Luoyang, Kaifeng, Hangzhou. There are several located in the Yellow River Basin -> 3,
the maximum measure of water, the most warmhearted river basin area is: -> Amazon,
water keeps of the largest rivers in China: -> Jinsha River,
China's socialist transformation was completed one year in which: - > In 1956,
corn originating in: -> Mexico,
the ; do not need,
beans for salt too early on when you: -> 对,
Ba Jin's trilogy of love is: -> If the two words a long long time love, a blessing in, day and night. The author is: -> Guan,
ancient Greek Aeschylus: -> the father of catastrophe,
China The central bank is -> People's Bank of China,
retinue the play, not Shakespeare's > is: -> Bai,
Earth Day is: -> April 22,
water,beijing escort, what water is on? -> Landscape,
written English is the most commonly used letters -> e,
cooked ham ham before the sugar coating on the skin is so rotten ham and simple, eh : -> 对,
issued and implemented? -> 1978,
ducks fly? -> stamina,
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 creator of roll-call from the seven: -> France,
border town's liberation became a learn of what the experts? -> History,
likened to the Antarctic and the Arctic: -> Antarctic chilly,
the erroneous sword is an ancient A: -> Coin name,
following cartoons are my original ink cartoons are -> reed pipe,
ancient times was called ,
Ninth Symphony (the Choral Symphony) is the founder of: -> Beethoven,
phrase ,
Alishan girl folk group which: -> Gaoshan,
end of the Lunar month of -> 1,
Prisoners communicate with others, you can: -> Yes. ,
according to Ebbinghaus curve of forgetting people's law is: -> cut corners after,
karate previously known as -> Tang hand,
Jilin Province, a woman won nine of the works Galaxy Science Fiction Award for 7 years in China, the female author is: -> Kunpeng,
China introduced to the Japanese science fiction science fiction readers personnel, his name is: Rock on the rule,
Cold Food Festival -> ahead the Ching Ming Festival,
one of Taiwan's science fiction published in Chinese science fiction only a system theory book, science fiction book: -> > : -> Zhao Haihong,
Road Traffic Regulations, the road is called: -> expressways, urban avenues and alleys, public squares, parking lots,
presentation and introduced China's first space illusion art overseas The artists are: -> Li,
Road Traffic Regulations, the term vehicle is driven on the road: -> motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles,
in the Road Traffic Regulations The vehicle is called -> a great many automobiles, trams, cordless vehicles, motorcycles, tractors, wheeled mechanism,
main of science fiction movies, Spielberg has filmed one epic historical themes of Chinese background the appoint is: -> science-fiction magazine in which country? -> Chinese,
Galaxy science fiction writer, has issued a background in geology as a science fiction, amuse state its name: -> br> violation of the behavior of the Road Traffic Regulations -> not one has the right to deter and prosecute,
you know the result of the nationalism of the founder of the world science fiction: -> UK,
suspended motor vehicle driving Certificate under the old of () shall not apply for driving license .-> years,
four of the early eighties sci-fi science-fiction writers known as the four King Kong of China, they are: -> MK Cheng, Xiaojian Heng, Ye Yong,shanghai escort, Tong Yan is,
circumstance of Road Traffic Regulations, the situation does not require to be -> to vehicles and pedestrians have to pass under the rule of ensuring safety,
Wales in the classic science fiction novel writer, people light markers, vehicle baton whistles, gestures,
in international tournaments, baseball field is smooth it? -> not,
Which science fiction writer known as the father of science fiction in China? -> MK Cheng,
English word is derived from the science fiction robots, husband devised the Three Laws of Robotics: -> robot may not injure people or injury meantime doing nobody idea,
science fiction > Le. Jean,
China first opened at the campus elective science fiction science fiction writers are: -> Wu Yan,
you know the result of Taiwan Province, the name of the first science-fiction novel: -> ,
you know the outcome of the domestic two official announcements of the name of the sci-fi: -> His name is: -> Do not Elijah Aliyev,
lead people to peregrination in China, will start from this famous science fiction is a scholastic main said Which? -> Lu Xun,
Chinese Literature Master Lao She has written a science fiction novel, its name is: -> His name is: -> Aldiss,
the history of science fiction and dystopian fiction known as the 3 major works are: -> ,
2002 World Meteorological Day theme is: -> lower extremes of climate and climate vulnerability,
largest circulation publication is: -> Press,
you know the result of China's first minister of science-fiction novel of the name: -> sea ​​works are: -> cocktail
founder of the world's first science fiction magazine of the professional are: -> Hugo. basis Spark,
pearls off the jade plate is described along what instrument you melodrama? -> Pipa ,
known as the father of Japan's Osamu Tezuka cartoon that has brought China a much-loved sci-fi animated catena, this sequence name is: ->
most infrequent element in nature? -> Astatine,
please differentiate Kehuan Mi United States with the largest circulation publications scampering the name of: -> label -> Australia,
please tell Kehuan Mi of China's largest-circulation publications running the name of: -> the largest circulation in the history of a science fiction novel is: -> Which science fiction writer, redactor? -> James. Gunn,
China Galaxy science fiction of the first prize won one of the largest are: -> Wang Jinkang,
nitrogen atomic number is - > 7,
to Sherlock Holmes stories, Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous British author who has written a science fiction theme of dinosaurs, the name of the book are: -> When you fill orders, how to fill in the content should be (multiple choice) -> name, means of remittance, e-mail, residence,
have a premonitory footprint in the aerospace history of the Russian astronauts left back, yet likewise the space Fine artist, his name is: -> Leonov,
currently one of the three countries concerned: -> Resources,
the sixties began, U.S. and UK science fiction book of reform have appeared ways to improve the level of science fiction art of creative trbring an end to ... the history of science fiction known as: -> New Wave action,
Daoxiang moon cake is where the -> Beijing,
low temperature ozone-electronics convergence line closet line up is - > 是,
famous American writer Mark Twain. Twain once wrote of a time travel theme of the novel, its name is: -> the most fecund element? -> O,
Chinese science fiction always the longest one is: -> is: -> published science fiction set is: -> about it? -> about,
the Chinese sci-fi first Lifetime Achievement Award because the Galaxy Award for science fiction writers are: -> MK Cheng,
China was adjusted as the first science fiction science fiction movies are: -> ; it? -> 1939,
how many land on the planet -> 3 / 10,
Wang Building, Luohu District, Shenzhen City (),() and () Interchange (multiple choice ) -> Baoan Road, Jiefang Road, Shennan Road,
1999 daily campus entry essay is a science fiction idea, the science fiction idea is: -> Memory transplantation,
in Japan, there is a short science fiction writing and specifically Therefore, the world-famous science fiction community, the writer is: -> Xing Xinyi,
What is the phenomenon of the earthquake -> natural phenomena,
continent after the Cultural Revolution, the first science-fiction novel is: -> Oil protein Please tell the world of the most influential science fiction name of two awards: -> Nebula Award and Hugo Award,
first received the invitation of the Chinese Olympics is -> the Qing empire emperor,
In the 1991 appraisal of the first World Chinese science fiction gifts, the mainland of the young Han Song of a science fiction works by the first medal in the name of this go are: -> What year was the first issued? -> 1986,
first amplified a pulse radar is -> the United States,
there was a science fiction master Isaac Asimov to the galaxy the background of the sci-fi masterpiece, and its name is: -> Germany twenties shot a huge sci-fi ...

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